Strive Programme

The strive programme is our newest programme designed to support learners who need additional support upon leaving school or who may have been home schooled and need integrating back into society.

We work with learners on an individualised programme to prepare them for maths and English qualifications, build their confidence through work out in the community and volunteering in local businesses and Charites and use the AQA award units to help demonstrate life skills.

Learners will be initially assessed and attend taster days with us prior to the programme starting, this programme runs on an academic year but the days are slightly shorter to help with focus and concentration of the learners.

This programme is designed as a 1 year programme to step the learners onto a Study Programme the following the year.

The programme will run through the academic year from September to July, it is 3 days per week for 4 hours a day.

Each day the student will have 3 sessions consisting of personal development, maths & English and preparing for work or volunteering. They will work towards gaining their AQA units in these areas.

It will be a small group setting with a maximum of 4 learners in the group. We have the capacity for 12 learners on this programme to enable us to individualise the support they require and get them ready for a further education.

Each session will have a 2:1 ratio of Learner to staff within the group setting to tailor their support but encourage them to work with others and be part of a group.

We can offer 1:1 where this is indicated in an educational health care plan.We deliver our Strive programme in Shropshire currently at our Training & Enterprise centre in Wellington.

Taster Days

We hold taster days before learners start with us on programme each academic year If this programme sounds right for you, you will get invited in for a visit and booked onto taster days to meet the team and some of your potential peers, have a tour of the centre and get to know the environment. The taster days are an opportunity for you to get to know us and us to assess your needs and understand how best we can support you in our education journey with us, it gives us an overview of your learning styles. You’ll experience some elements of the programme during your time with us to get to understand what your lessons will be like and complete initial assessments for each subject you will be studying.